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Frequently Asked Questions
Clinical trials are essential to the development and advancement of medicine. Advanced Medical Research institute conducts these type of trials with in our practice. We are always trying to find participants to be a part of our clinical trials.
What does it mean to be a research volunteer?
There are specific entrance criteria that you must meet in order to be considered. Though the criteria vary depending on the study, you generally:
Must agree to an informed consent form.
Must meet eligibility requirements at the beginning of the study, and submitting to a comprehensive health exam.
Must commit to the length of the study and to follow all instructions.
Why do pharmaceutical drug companies need to perform studies?
Clinical research and studies have proven to be an effective method for advancing modern medicine in a safe way while accelerating the process of getting a viable solution to market. The use of expert trials allows drug companies to test and verify new medicines in a manner that is reliable.
What if I change my mind after I apply?
Before going through the application process, we ask all prospective participants to carefully consider all ramifications of being involved in the study. If you are unsure of your availability or cannot predict your future willingness, then it may be best to not apply at this time.
If your circumstances change once you are accepted, notify our clinical research department and speak with the clinical research coordinator as soon as possible.
Is attendance at my appointments mandatory?
In all but rare cases, your presence is needed at all scheduled appointments. If unforeseen events cause you to not be available, we ask you to notify us two (2 ) days in advance so appropriate changes can be made, including scheduling an alternate appointment.